
What´s the plan?

"When the tiranny becomes Law, rebellion is a Right"
Simon Bolivar

It´s been days since my Spaniard friends look at me with that uncomfortable and curious look of a person who is attending the funeral of a friend´s parent. They want to know how I am, but they don´t know if bringing that up at the beginning, at the end or never at all. When they asked me what would happen if Venezuelan students "win", I went blank...

Of course, the best scenario would be that Maduro resigns and calls for elections, but nobody would go with this CNE (National Electoral Council). Nobody will accept another trial with this TSJ (Supreme Court). Nobody will accept being represented by this "public advocate", this "district attorney" or any of the other "public organisms" (note the inverted commas and the lack of capital letters) that have openly taken a side with the Venezuelan regime.

Amid all this student fight, that I consider more than necessary, I wonder: how do we plan to get where we want to be? 

From here, I am sorry that I can´t do more to support the fight of these young Venezuelans, who are brave defenders of Freedom and Democracy. I know getting together here and sending them pictures telling them they are not alone is not that much. A sense of impotence takes over you when you watch videos of terrified people recording motorcyclists who break into their residential areas, right in the faces of the "State security bodies". In that moment you realize that there is nothing you could do, here or there, to stop the violence.

I just wanted to take a few minutes amid all the tweets, to thank my friends for being interested in what is going on in Venezuela. As they know, what happens there affects me and I appreciate the interest and concern.

For my country-folks, one last reflection:

I know it´s easy to ask you to resist from here, but more than just a comfortable and empty petition of "fight for me so that I can enjoy the results of your sacrifices", is a "you got so far, in spite of the life and integrity of so many brave fellows, that you made the World listen to you and pray for you. The goal is nearer! Don´t give up now!" kind of plea.

But I also want to ask you to start thinking about the future. Once we achieve our goals (disarmament of the "colectivos", freedom for political prisoners, freedom of speech and opinion in the mass media...), what´s the plan?

Before ending, I would like to tell the leaders of this awake, the young students from Tachira, Carabobo, Zulia and all of those who have peacefully faced on the streets a regime with arms and tanks: THANK YOU! Venezuela is very proud of you, and you deserve to live her great, thriving and in peace... just the way I knew her.

*This post was published in Zhandra Zuleta´s original blog on Feb 22nd, 2014.

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